The First One Is Always Special

AP (06.28.05):

“Rep. Randy ‘Duke” Cunningham (R – CA50), has been issued a subpoena for documents by a federal grand jury, his attorney said Tuesday.”

Congressman Gets U.S. Document Subpoena

“Cunningham, a former Navy ‘Top Gun’ fighter pilot and eight-term congressman, sold his home in 2003 to Mitchell Wade, a campaign contributor and close friend – whose company, MZM Inc., was enjoying a rush of new business with the Pentagon.”

Mitchell bought Duke’s old home for $1,675,000 back in November 2003. Mitchell immediately turned around and put it back on the market. A little less than nine months later, Mitchell ended up selling it for $975,000, a $700,000 loss. Bad luck? Maybe, but it does beg the question as to how much was it really worth to begin with?

While on the public’s business in Washington, Duke lives on a boat, which, coincidentally, is owned by Mitchell.

One of Duke’s subcommittee assignments is on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. They appropriate money from the Treasury for defense spending, and dole it out to defense contractors.

Since late 2003, Mitchell’s company, MZM Inc., a company which solves “enigmatic problems for an ever wider range of government and private sector entities”, has “signed more than $110 million in federal contracts since 2002.”

How fortuitous, wouldn’t you say?

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